International Jet Management
An airline,
with a total 23 aircrafts,
which is not provided scheduled flights in AT 🇦🇹
It provides only passenger services
The average age of the operator fleet is 7 years.
3-letter ICAO code | IJM |
Country Code | 🇦🇹 AT | | |
Website | |
🇦🇹 Airlines
Other airline operators from AT.
- Austrian
- Tyrolean Jet Service
- EasyJet Europe
- GlobeAir
- SPARFELL Luftfahrt
- Tyrol Air Ambulance
- Avionco Ltd
- Eurowings Europe
- Lauda
- Airlink
- Austrian Air Force
- DJT Aviation
- International Jet Management
- Anisec
- Avcon Jet
- Grossman Air Serivce
- Heli Ambulance Team
- Jetfly Airlines
- Magna Air
- Mali Air Luftverkehr Gesellschaft
- B.A.C.H.
- SalzburgJetAviation
- Welcome Air
- White Sparrow
- Fly Tyrol
- Global Jet Austria
- Mjet
- Alpine Flightservice
- Amerer Air
- Art Aviation Flugbetriebs
- Daedalos Flugbetriebs
- Elangeni
- Goldeck-Flug
- Punitz Flugbetrieb
- Speedwings Executive Jet
- WESTbahn Management
- Avia Consult Flugbetriebs
- Aero Charter Krifka
- Christian Konig - Century Airbirds
- Europ Star Aircraft
- Flight Track Training
- Flugwerkzeuge Aviation Software
- Glock Aviation
- Jetalliance South
- MAP Executive Flight Service
- MAP Management And Planning
- My Fair Jet
- Redair Luftfahrt
- Skytaxi
- Zimex Aviation Austria
- Altenrhein Luftfahrt GmbH Dba People's
- Amira Air
- Business-Express - Magna Air
- Charter Air
- Comitel, Bedarfsfluge
- LVD Luftfahrzeug-Vermietungs-Dienst Gesellscgraft
- Top Speed
- X-Jet
- Hawei Air
🇦🇹 Airports
List of airports in AT.
- Linz Airport
- Salzburg Airport
- Graz Airport
- Vienna International Airport
- Innsbruck Airport
- Klagenfurt Airport
- Wolfsberg Airport
- Flugplatz Voeslau
- Punitz-Guessing Airport
- Gmunden Laakirchen Airport
- Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport
- Flugplatz Wiener Neustadt/Ost
- Fliegerhorst Brumowski
- Kufstein-Langkampfen Airport
- Linz-East Airport
- Stockerau Airport
- Voeltendorf Airport
- Zell Am See
- Dobersberg Airport
- Eferding Airport
- Flugplatz Mariazell
- Reutte-Hoefen Airport
- Freistadt Airport
- Fuerstenfeld Airport
- Glainach-Ferlach Airport
- Hofkirchen Airport
- Zeltweg Airport
- Friesach-Hirth Airport
- Kapfenberg Airport
- Ried-Kirchheim Airport
- Krems-Langenlois Airport
- Mauterndorf Airport
- Mayerhofen Airport
- Niederoeblarn Airport
- Pinkafeld Airport
- Schaerding-Suben Airport
- Scharnstein Airport
- Flugplatz Seitenstetten LOLT
- Spitzerberg Airport
- Sankt Georgen Airport
- Sankt Johann Airport
- Leoben-Timmersdorf Airport
- Lanzen-Turnau Airport
- Weiz-Unterfladnitz Airport
- Wels Airport
- Flugplatz Wiener Neustadt/West
- Micheldorf
- Nikolsdorf Airport
- St Johann In Tirol Hospital Heliport
- Trieben
- Aigen im Ennstal
- Segelflugfeld Altlichtenwarth
- Bad Radkersburg Hospital Helipad
- Bodenlandeplatz/Ground-Landing Area Heliport
- Business Center Leitner Heliport
- Christophorus 16 Heliport
- Europa 3 Heliport
- Feldkirchen Aerodrome
- Graz University Hospital Helipad
- Hall in Tirol Hospital Heliport
- Hat Tux Heliport
- Hörlahof Heliport
- Kitzbühel Hospital Helipad
- Kufstein Heliport
- Langkampfen - Au Heliport
- Mistelbach Hospital Helipad
- Niederöblarn Heliport
- Nötsch Im Gailtal Airfield
- Öamtc Heliport
- Ottenschlag Airport
- Reutte Heliport
- St. Anton Am Arlberg Heliport
- Waidhofen an der Ybbs Hospital Helipad
- Christophorus 9 Hospital Heliport
- Mödling Krankenhaus Heliport
- St. Donat Mairist
- Hartberg LKH Heliport